FOR pole

Private Rental with Poles: you + up to 2 guests (3 persons total)

Enjoy Haven and its amenities exclusively to yourself, or with up to two of your friends!

Single Rental

5 Pack
$185 ($37/hr)

10 Pack
$320 ($32/hr)

Single Rentals expire three months from purchase. Packages expire three months from first use.

Group Rental with Poles: you + up to 7 guests (8 persons total)

Reserve Haven for larger jam sessions or classes and workshops.

Single Rental

5 Pack
$275 ($55/hr)

Single Rentals expire three months from purchase. Packages expire three months from first use.


For Photography & Film: you + up to 7 guests (8 persons total)

This rental is required for anyone who wishes to capture content at the studio with any camera beyond a cell phone. Our natural sunlight or custom lighting is specifically designed to flatter dancers, both on and off the pole. Props and equipment are allowed with written consent.


$600 day rate (12 hrs maximum) 

Photoshoots & video shoots include, but are not limited to, product promotions and any content captured by cameras other than cell phones.